Puzzle pirates obsidian ocean alchemistry
Puzzle pirates obsidian ocean alchemistry

puzzle pirates obsidian ocean alchemistry

Winner of a copper monkey in a Gunnery/Foraging competition on Midnight on October 21, 2010.Traded in enough tickets for a navy octopus and tan/tan parrot in the September Competition Event.Winner of 4 tan octopi in the Sizzling Summer Send-off Competition in Weaving (3) and Alchemistry (1) on Midnight, Cobalt and Hunter on August 29, 2010.Winner of a tan monkey in an automated familiar Rumble tournament on Cobalt on August 15, 2010.Winner of a magenta/mint parrot in the familiar Bilging Rigging competition on Cobalt on July 21, 2010.Winner of 6 tan monkeys in the Crafty Crafting Celebration on various oceans on July 17, 2010.Winner of a tan monkey in an automated familiar Drinking tournament on Malachite on July 14t, 2010.Winner of a tan monkey in the A Series of Tubes (Carpentry and Alchemistry) competition on Midnight on July 5, 2010.Winner of 2 tan monkeys in the Winding Down (Weaving) competition on Midnight and Viridian on July 4th, 2010.Winner of a tan octopus in an automated familiar Rumble tournament on Cobalt on May 18, 2010.Winner of a tan monkey in an automated familiar Rumble tournament on Cobalt on May 8, 2010.Winner of a tan monkey in an automated familiar Rumble tournament on Cobalt on April 18, 2010.Received a navy/lavender serpent in Cursed Isles on Cobalt on Mafor foraging.Winner of a tan monkey in an automated familiar Swordfight tournament on Cobalt on March 11, 2010.Winner of a yellow octopus in the Familiar Frenzy Fisticuffs (Rumble tournament) in the FFFC on Cobalt on February 23, 2010.Winner of a brown monkey in a duty puzzle competition in the FFFC on Cobalt on February 19, 2010.Winner of a copper monkey in the Familiar Frenzy Fists (Rumble tournament) in the FFFC on Cobalt on February 17, 2010.Winner of a maroon/navy parrot in the Alchemistry competition in the FFFC on Cobalt on February 16, 2010.Winner of a navy/aqua parrot in a duty puzzle competition in the FFFC on Cobalt on February 10, 2010.Winner of a rose octopus for carpentry in the Sailing/Carpentry bake off in the FFFC on Cobalt on February 5, 2010.Winner of a light blue octopus in the Bilging/Blacksmithing competition in the February Familiar Frenzy Competition(FFFC) on Cobalt on February 1, 2010.Winner of an aqua/navy parrot in a familiar Blacksmithing competition on Cobalt on January 18, 2010.Winner of a tan monkey in an automated Rumble tournament on Cobalt on January 14, 2010.Winner of a black/tan parrot in an automated Rumble tournament on Sage on August 29, 2008.Winner of a tan monkey in an automated Rumble tournament on Cobalt on July 30, 2009.Winner of a white/navy parrot in a familiar Blacksmithing competition on Cobalt on July 21, 2009.Winner of a tan monkey in an automated Rumble tournament on Cobalt on July 21, 2009.Received an indigo/violet serpent in Cursed Isles on Midnight on July 5th 2009 for amazing Carpentry.Winner of a lime octopus in the Familiar Frenzy Finale Gunnery puzzle competition on Midnight on Augduring the Summer Olympics 2008.Winner of an orange monkey in the first color familiar Gunnery puzzle competition on Midnight on Augduring the Summer Olympics 2008.Winner of a mint/tan parrot in an automated rumble tournament on Sage on May 29, 2008.In total, Cem has won 27 colored familiars and 44 tan familiars.Cem has won 6 familiars simultaneously.In a span of one month (Jan 18 - Feb 19), Cem won 7 colored familiars.Current owner of the Labyrinth Moors Inn.Captain of the crew Sauce which had illustrious fame with only 6 active members.Yankeejr, the one who no one says hi to.Ashleydawn, the one with the whiny boyfriend.Jabz, the one that gets off on crappy Indian accents.Drinkingonly, the one who nobody will wager.Mazi, the one that booches (never here).Darlie, the one who can't speak English.Xelliana, the one that can't pass Nickbush.Omgwtfcandy, the one that makes cat noises (fallout).Sauce (Emergency, Bacacock, Faded Legend, Anbin Alayam, Anomalous Purloiners, Across the Street, In Love and War, Static before the Storm, Charientism).Mischievous Drifters (Maniacal Menagerie).From 2009 to 2011, he belonged to the crews (flags in parentheses): From 2006 to 2008, he was in the crews (flags in parentheses):Ĭemikila moved to Cobalt where he took on the name "Cem".

Puzzle pirates obsidian ocean alchemistry